Paramount Polygraph Consultants

Law Enforcement -
Pre-employment Testing
Paramount Polygraph Consultants provide confidential pre-employment law enforcement applicant polygraph testing in the State of Connecticut. Strict standards relating to the administration of each test are followed. Each candidate will be provided with detailed instructions and reference materials ahead of his or her exam. All tests are conducted in accordance with the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988. Please call or email to reserve testing slots. Our AAPP certified examiners have completed in excess of 7,000 pre-employment examinations since 2008.
Criminal Issues
Attorneys seeking assistance with criminal matters and wrongful convictions are encouraged to contact our offices for a free consultation. Please call, email, or complete the online inquiry through our website. We will work to put those in need in contact with examiners located throughout New England if necessary. All referrals are conducted with the highest level of confidence and professionalism.

Family/Relationship Matters
Unresolved Relationship Questions
A polygraph test can often help put questions surrounding infidelity behind you. Polygraph testing can be a reliable and easy process frequently used by partners to move through relationship difficulties. It is imperative to use an experienced polygraph examiner when seeking to navigate trust and marital complications. Relationships are frequently influenced by outside issues that include emotions, a lack of sleep, spousal abuse, precarious social media interactions, and financial constraints. Often times, children, financial holdings, and investments further impact strained relationships that have spanned years.
As an experienced polygraph examiner and former law enforcement officer, I work to understand the totality of the circumstances and influences that impact each client. Time and energy that is invested in preparing for each test often helps with the resolution of unwarranted accusations of infidelity. Our offices work to approach each test using the polygraph process as a tool in seeking to better understand the factors that have come to bear on the relationship.
The polygraph when used correctly, is by far the most cost effective, efficient, and affordable means through which to determine if a partner is being unfaithful. Please call or email for a free consultation. A deposit is required to schedule a testing date.
Family Matters
Relationship and family matters often include circumstances relating to theft, substance abuse,
complications stemming from alcohol dependance, and multifaceted adverse behaviors. Pre-marital screenings and suspected domestic abuse are also topics commonly examined.
If you have experienced a situation whereby you feel a polygraph could help uncover the truth, please contact our offices. Fees for polygraph examinations vary depending on the type of test involved. A retainer fee is required for all clients at the time the examination is scheduled.
Unparalleled Relationship Testing

Polygraph testing can be one way to help move a relationship forward. Call, email, or message us with questions and specifics regarding your situation. All inquiries are confidential. Evening and weekend testing slots are available.